IFR Approach: From Cruise to the Initial Approach Fix

Wednesday, May 21, 2025, 7 p.m. CDT

Presenter: Tom Turner

Instrument training, proficiency, and currency requirements are primarily about instrument approaches. Getting from cruise flight to the initial approach fix has its own rules and techniques that can be equally as complex, but they’re rarely taught or practiced. This webinar will help you “let yourself down easy” by covering:

  • Adjusting your checklists to reduce workload during descent and approach
  • STARs for the piston and single-pilot turbine crowd
  • Speed, power, and trim in descent
  • Techniques for an easy letdown, such as when to activate an approach, fuel management, etc.
  • IFR letdowns into nontowered airports
  • Real-world holding patterns and vectors for spacing
  • Traffic avoidance in IFR descents into VMC or marginal VFR
  • Confirming everything is set before you reach the final approach fix
  • Answers to viewer questions

Qualifies for FAA WINGS credit.

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